• Graphics by Tamika Reed

    worship schedule

    wORSHIP sERIES: keepy uppy

    "Bluey" is an Australian animated series featuring a playful blue heeler puppy and her family, exploring imaginative adventures and life lessons through fun, relatable stories. With its delightful mix of humor, creativity, and heartfelt storytelling, the show offers both entertainment and valuable lessons, appealing to both kids and parents alike. Starting September 8th, we’ll be imagining a new sermon series using some of Bluey’s greatest episodes. If you’ve never seen the show, you can join us Sunday morning before worship (9:15a) to find out what the show is all about!

    Sunday, September 8th (Rally Day!)

    10:00am - Family Worship Service and Communion

    11:00am -Picnic on the lawn (weather permitting)

    Sunday, September 15th

    10:00am - Family Worship Service

    11:00am -Fellowship Hour

    Sunday, September 22nd

    10:00am - Family Worship Service

    11:00am - Fellowship Hour

    Sunday, September 29th

    10:00am - Family Worship Service

    11:00am - Fellowship Hour

Latest online service

If you're not able to worship with in person, please join us on YouTube for our service.


welcome statement

The United Methodist Church in Madison is a welcoming community that reflects God's love as revealed in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.  Led by the Holy Spirit, we welcome and affirm our human family's diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, age, expression of faith, economic status, marital status, and ability.  We support marriage equality and full pastoral privileges for all persons regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation.  We affirm that all are worthy of God's love and grace.  We celebrate our differences and embrace them as a source of strength.  We invite all to join us on the journey toward greater love, understanding, and mutual respect.