Your doubts and questions? They belong here, too.
The United Methodist Church in Madison
24 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ 07940
973 377 1231 |
Sunday Worship at 10:00am
Office Hours
Tuesday - Friday: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Summer Hours
Tuesday - Friday: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Church Online
If “church” is new to you, this is the best place to start. You can watch live Sundays at 10:00am or on-demand throughout the week on our YouTube channel and Facebook.
In-Person Worship
When you are ready to join us in-person, we’d love to have you join us on Sundays at 10:00am! When you arrive, you will be greeted at our doors by one of our friendly ushers who will welcome you and help you find a good seat.
Thursday Night Out
Join us for one of our Thursday night 6pm dinners where 40+ folks of all walks of life find a seat at the same tables. Just show up, sit down, and share a meal with a new friend. Dinner is on us.