"The Drew Connection" speaks to the way that the United Methodist Church in Madison connects with students, faculty, and programs at Drew University and Drew Theological School. Below are a few examples of what this relationship looks like:
- Oikos: Our Sunday afternoon (4pm) service is called Oikos and centers around a hope to deepen relationships in our community and learn from one another across culture and language. This community is made up of Drew students across the many programs as well as community members.
- Finals Study Nights: Every finals week the United Methodist Church in Madison hosts a series of study nights. These study nights offer students a quiet (and social) place to study late into the night. This includes: food, coffee, self-care, and connection with other students trying to get their work finished for the term. Assistant pastor, Scott Ostlund, is a PhD candidate in Religion and has been a teaching assistant for a number of courses in the Divinity program. This allows him to give feedback for any seminary students needing help with their work in Systematic Theology, Church History, Ethics, or Wesleyan and Methodist studies.
- Drew Conversations: Drew Conversations at Madison UMC is a formal speaker series that brings a Drew University presenter and dialogue partner to the church on a semi-regular basis. These conversations focus on a topic that a) the presenter has done research on, and b) the congregation and community at large finds illuminating, interesting, and energizing. Past speakers include: Dr. Catherine Keller, Dr. Laurel Kearns, and Dr. Heather Elkins.
- INTO Program: The INTO program provides an opportunity for students from other countries to attend Drew University for their college education. Drew has a great staff that works to provide English classes and a Pathway for students to take courses toward their degree. The Family Fellowship Program links students with members in the Madison community and a number of families from the UMC in Madison community participate in these important programs.
The United Methodist Church in Madison continues to offer other opportunities for connection with Drew University, including various outreach events, and support for UMC students on the ordination path.